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My Mission Statement

My mission for this year is to rise above my past and discover God's heart for discipleship-to affectively enhance the Kingdom of God


My vision

What I plan to do to complete this?

Nothing is set in stone yet, but- eventually- I believe a year long  Staff Commitment at First Assembly of God in Dearborn Heights will play a key role in helping me recieve the training and experience I need! After that year, it is my goal to return to YWAM San Jose, Costa Rica.






Some of the Ministries I would like  serve in with in the next 2 years

  • Metro Ministries:  Metro works with children and families in the community, helping them go deeper with Christ through fun and exciting activities geared toward children.

  • Homes of Hope: It starts with building a home, ends with building a heart. Homes of Hope is dedicated to reaching out to the community and partnering with the local church to build homes for families and communities.

  • Bible Distribution: Their objective is to see the Word of God placed in every home. This movement is spreading globally and so far over 100,000 Bibles have been distributed to Costa Rican families. 


Leadership Oppertunities and more

During my Bible Core Course, many doors opened up for me to enhance my leadership skills. When I return, I would like to join their worship and intercession team, their and eventually staff a Discipleship Training School.  YWAM San Jose offers many ministry opportunities that will help me learn more about God's heart for discipleship. YWAM San Jose is a place where I can be challenged, loved, encouraged, strengthened equipped and empowered to go out and bring God's Kingdom to the Nations.

~YWAM San Jose~


YWAM San Jose began in 2004 with a mission to raise up and disciple relevant leaders around the world. They offer several different training opportunities such as DTS, Secondary Schools, as well as various ministry opportunities for others to serve for any length of time. They value corporate praise and worship, intercession, and fellowship. It's there where I found a home where I was surrounded and loved by a family of believers who share my  passion and love for extending God's Kingdom in Costa Rica and around the world.

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